Connecting Twitter


Connecting Twitter

Sep 05 2019

Connecting Twitter

Evangelus makes it easy to quickly post messages to your parish or group Twitter feed. Staying present on social media is a great way to reach beyond the walls of the parish into the local community. Follow these simple instructions to get started. NOTE: This is a one time event to connect Twitter to your Parish or Group. Once completed, you can simply post messages to your Twitter feed along with sending to any other channel.

Don’t have a Twitter feed set-up yet? No problem! Contact our Customer Care team for help on getting that started.


Before you can connect your Twitter feed you will need to first have the follow tasks completed. Don’t have a Twitter feed set-up yet? No problem! Contact our Customer Care team for help on getting that started.

  • You must have a Twitter feed for your Parish or Group
  • You need the username, email or phone number that you use to login to your Twitter account
  • You will need your Twitter password handy

Choose your group

Commonly parishes will have one Twitter feed for the entire parish. Sometimes groups in the parish, such as the women’s group or the youth ministry, will also have a Twitter feed. Evangelus lets you connect to different feeds for different groups. The process below is the same in each case, however, for the parish, you will want to connect specifically using the “All Members” group.

STEP BY STEP – get connected

  1. Select Groups from the home screen of Evangelus
  2. Select the Group you want to connect to Twitter: for example “All Members”
  3. Select the “gear” icon from the center column to access the settings for your group
  4. Scroll to find the toggle for “Link Twitter Profile” – enable this toggle
  5. A Twitter authentication window will open. Enter your username and password, then follow the prompts.
  6. You will now see your Twitter Profile listed in the group settings.
  7. Congratulations! You can now send your messages to your Twitter feed.