Our Lady Queen of Peace

309 Washington St., Selma, AL 36703

Our Lady Queen of Peace


The parish of Our Lady Queen of Peace welcomes you! We invite you to celebrate Mass with us; Mass times are listed below.

We are located in Selma, AL and you can find directions to our parish here.

Our faith community welcomes you!

309 Washington St., Selma, AL 36703
(334) 874-8931

Rite: Roman-Latin
Additional Info (Custom Fields)
  • Mass Times
  • Saturday4:00pm
  • Sunday10:00am
  • Tuesday8:30am - Chapel (St. Andrew’s Hall)
  • Wednesday8:30am - Chapel (St. Andrew’s Hall)
  • Thursday8:30am - Chapel (St. Andrew’s Hall)
  • Friday8:30am - Chapel (St. Andrew’s Hall)
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Additional Info (Custom Fields)
  • Other Services
  • ConfessionsSat: 3:30pm-3:50pm - or upon request


Our Lady Queen of Peace


309 Washington St., Selma, AL 36703

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Additional Instructions

Located at the corner of Dallas Ave. and Washington St. Note: The Parishes of Our Lady Queen of Peace and St. Bridget (Orrville) formed a Parish cluster served by one pastor, sharing a weekly bulletin, a Parish Office at Our Lady Queen of Peace, and, coming soon, a website.


Our Lady Queen of Peace

Shucks! There are no bulletins available.

There are currently no bulletins available for Our Lady Queen of Peace.

If you are a parish representative and would like to learn more about making your weekly bulletins available on DiscoverMass.com, complete the form below and we will followup with you shortly.


Our Lady Queen of Peace

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