We Belong To Him

Sep 02 2020

We Belong To Him

I planted, Apollos watered, but God caused the growth. Therefore, neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who causes the growth.”

In today’s first reading, Paul addresses division among the Corinthians. He asks them, “While there is jealousy and rivalry among you, are you not of the flesh, and walking according to the manner of man? Whenever someone says, ‘I belong to Paul,’ and another ‘I belong to Apollos,’ are you not merely men?” How often do we get caught up in the jealousy and rivalry of this world? St. Paul urges us to turn our attention away from the temptations, strife, and conflicts of this world and look instead toward our Heavenly Father for He is the one who, ultimately, is the cause of our growth. Although we follow priests and bishops and other holy people, they are the vessels through which God is doing His work. So even though Paul and Apollos were doing God’s work, it was God who changed hearts and minds and souls.

We see that only God causes growth in the Gospel when Christ heals Simon’s mother-in-law. Christ became man to save us from our sins. While He walked this earth, He performed countless miracles in order to show us the saving power of God. He is the one that heals, the one that proclaims the good news of the Kingdom of God. Without Him, even the holiest of men are nothing.

May we always remember that it is through God that we grow. May we always turn our thanks to Him, the one who loves us fully.

Contact the author

Dakota currently lives in Denver, CO and teaches English Language Development and Spanish to high schoolers. She is married to the love of her life, Ralph. In her spare time, she reads, goes to breweries, and watches baseball. Dakota’s favorite saints are St. John Paul II (how could it not be?) and St. José Luis Sánchez del Río. She is passionate about her faith and considers herself blessed at any opportunity to share that faith with others. Check out more of her writing at