Promote Religious Freedom At Your Parish


Promote Religious Freedom At Your Parish

Jun 20 2017

Promote Religious Freedom At Your Parish

The Fortnight for Freedom was started by the USCCB in order to promote religious freedom during the weeks leading up to July 4th.

Here at Diocesan Publications, we want to help you successfully promote this important event using your banners, bulletins, website, and app.



Fortnight For Freedom
Fortnight For Freedom
Fortnight For Freedom
Fortnight For Freedom

myParish App & WEBSITE

Below are examples of messages that can be used on your website, app, and social media to promote the Fortnight for Freedom.

Day 1

Jesus taught us to care for all people. Join our Parish in prayer today for migrants and refugees. Through our prayer and works we can help those in need.

Freedom to serve migrants and refugees  | en español

Day 2

When Jesus washed his disciples feet he taught them true leadership through service. We should all follow his example and pray that we can lead others by first serving them.

May we be God’s servants first  | en español

Day 3

Pope Francis has been encouraging all catholics to care for the poor and needy. Join our parish in prayer this week for those who are less fortunate than us.

Freedom to care for the sick  |  en español

Day 4

Lets be a voice of truth in an ever increasing relativistic world. Pray with us today that truth may be spread through our actions.

Freedom to bear witness to Truth | en español

Day 5

Don’t we all want to know, love, and serve God with our lives? Join us today to pray for continued freedom to be able to live our lives for Christ.

Freedom to serve God with our whole lives | en español

Day 6

Intellect and free will are the essential characteristics that make us different from the animals. Join us today in being thankful for the gift of intellect and reason.

Freedom to seek the Truth  | en español

Day 7

Let us join together to pray for our brothers and sisters in the Middle East who do not share the same freedoms that we sometimes take for granted.

For Christians in the Middle East   | en español

Day 8

Join our parish today in prayer for education and specifically the freedom to have catholic schools in America. We are truly blessed as a nation.

Freedom to serve our communities through education   | en español

Day 9

As a church we aim to serve and care for the world. Let us pray today that we continue to enjoy the freedom of being able to do this important work.

For the freedom of the Church  | en español

Day 10

Adoption and care for the young and vulnerable are crucial services in America. Join us today in prayer for those trying to adopt and those children waiting to be adopted.

Freedom to serve families seeing and children awaiting adoption | en español

Day 11

We all know someone who needs help in one area or another. We are all called to serve the vulnerable among us. Let us pray for the grace and strength to do this with love, empathy, and compassion.

Freedom to serve the vulnerable | en español

Day 12

The community and families are the building blocks of society. Join our parish in prayer for our community that we may all work for the common good of others.

Freedom to build stronger communities | en español

Day 13

Let us pray for those who are on our borders that we can help and support in as many ways as possible.

For our brothers and sisters in Mexico  | en español

Day 14

On this final day let’s not forget to be thankful for the freedoms we do enjoy and pray that these freedoms continue.

Freedom to promote a culture of freedom for all  | en español