Our Lady of Lourdes

92-96 220th St. , Queens Village, NY 11428

Our Lady of Lourdes


We welcome you to Our Lady of Lourdes in Queens Village, NY. Please see below for Mass times.

If you need directions to Our Lady of Lourdes, click here. We hope you join us for the celebration of the Eucharist!

92-96 220th St. , Queens Village, NY 11428
(718) 479-5111

Rite: Roman-Latin
Additional Info (Custom Fields)
  • Mass Times
  • Saturday9:00am, 5:00pm - Also airs on parish's Facebook page, 7:00pm (Filipino) - Twice a month only. 1st Saturdays a Filipino Mass and on 4th Saturdays in Portuguese
  • Sunday7:30am, 9:00am (Spanish) - También transmitida en el Facebook de la iglesia /Also airs on parish's Facebook, 10:30am - Also airs on parish's Facebook page, 12:00pm - Note: During the school year, 1st Sundays is a Family Mass w/RE students, 5:00pm (Haitian Creole) - Mès chak mwa sou twazyèm dimanch sèlman /Monthly Mass on 3rd Sundays
  • Friday7:30pm - First and Third Fridays only
  • Weekdays7:30am, 9:00am
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Additional Info (Custom Fields)
  • Other Services
  • AdorationThr: 9:30am-7:00pm - 2nd and 4th Thursdays onlyFri: 9:30am-7:00pm - 1st and 3rd Fridays only. Devotions & Mass will follow on 1st Friday
  • ConfessionsTue: 8:30am-8:55am - May change during AdventThr: 8:30am-8:55am - May change during AdventSat: 3:30pm-4:30pm
  • DevotionsWeekdays: 8:30am-8:50am - Holy RosarySat: 8:30am-8:50am - Holy RosaryMon: 9:30am-9:45am - Miraculos Medal NovenaFri: 7:00pm-7:30pm - First Fridays only. Benediction & Sacred Heart Devotion. Mass follows


Our Lady of Lourdes


92-96 220th St. , Queens Village, NY 11428

Get Directions

Additional Instructions

Located at the corner of 93rd Ave. and Springfield Blvd. The Chapel is at the Northwest corner of 93rd Ave. and 220 Street. The Parish Office is at the Southwest corner of 93rd Ave. and 220 Street.


Our Lady of Lourdes

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