Finding Solace in Jesus / Encontrando consuelo en Jesús

Jan 23 2025

Finding Solace in Jesus / Encontrando consuelo en Jesús

“He had cured many, and, as a result, those who had diseases were pressing upon him to touch him” (Mk 3:10).

This scene opens with Jesus and His disciples attempting to withdraw to the sea for a moment of peace. Right before that, Jesus had cured a man with a withered hand in the synagogue itself, stirring up the Pharisees, sparking their anger as they plot some way to trap and kill Him. It makes sense that He might want to take a step back and spend some time alone with His beloved students!

But that is not to be. News of Jesus has spread, and large crowds follow him, from Galilee, Judea, Jerusalem, even Tyre and Sidon. I imagine the numbers might have looked something like Times Square on New Year’s Eve…too many people to count.

We can imagine how overwhelming that might have been for Jesus. The sea of all those people is so great in number, so desperate for healing, that Jesus has to ask the Apostles to get a boat for Him so that He can sail out from shore, just so they won’t crush Him!

We can also imagine how overwhelming that might have been for any one of those people, hoping and praying desperately to see Jesus, to hear Him, to come close enough just to touch His garments or His hands. Because of course, the people know by now that Jesus can heal with a touch of His hand. Among the countless crowds, there were probably more sick people than healthy, more despairing people than hopeful. Jesus has gone to seek solace at the sea, but these people have come to seek solace in Him.

Do we seek solace in Him?

Does the “crowd” of our own worries press so close to us that we lose sight of Him? Are there barriers that keep us from His healing touch? Have we let ourselves believe that there is too much for Him to do, too many bigger problems for Him to handle instead? Have we given up on bringing Him our little worries? Do we think we are not important enough for Him to see us, to heal us? Do we miss Him in the crowd, and then assume that the reason He doesn’t heal us is because He doesn’t see us?

We are more fortunate than those people on the shoreline that day. There are no great crowds of people blocking our view. There is no need for pushing and shoving, clamoring for attention, fighting off the crowd. Jesus is fully present to you, now, in this moment and in every other – past, present, and future. There is no question about that. The real question is this: 

Do you seek solace in Him? Do you turn to Him with all your worries, all your burdens, all your sicknesses? He is already waiting for you by the shore. Will you go to Him?

Contact the author

Jesús había curado a muchos, de manera que todos los que padecían algún mal, se le echaban encima para tocarlo” (Mc 3,10).

Esta escena comienza con Jesús y sus discípulos intentando retirarse al mar para tener un momento de paz. Justo antes de eso, Jesús había curado a un hombre con una mano seca en la sinagoga, sembrando cizaña entre los fariseos, provocando su ira mientras planeaban alguna forma de atraparlo y matarlo. ¡Tiene sentido que quiera dar un paso atrás y pasar un tiempo a solas con sus estudiantes tan queridos!

Pero lastimosamente no pasó así. La noticia de Jesús se ha difundido y grandes multitudes lo siguen, desde Galilea, Judea, Jerusalén, incluso Tiro y Sidón. Imagino que las cifras deben haber parecido algo así como Times Square en la víspera de Año Nuevo… demasiadas personas para contar.

Podemos imaginar lo abrumador que debe haber sido eso para Jesús. El mar de todas esas personas es tan grande, y están tan desesperados por ser sanados, que Jesús tiene que pedir a los Apóstoles que le consigan un barco para poder navegar lejos de la orilla, ¡solo para que no lo aplasten!

También podemos imaginar lo abrumador que debe haber sido para cualquiera de esas personas, esperando y rezando desesperadamente ver a Jesús, escucharlo, acercarse lo suficiente para tocar sus vestiduras o sus manos. Porque, por supuesto, la gente ya sabe que Jesús puede sanar con un solo toque de la mano. Entre las innumerables multitudes, probablemente había más personas enfermas que sanas, más personas desesperadas que esperanzadas. Jesús ha ido a buscar consuelo en el mar, pero estas personas han venido a buscar consuelo en Él.

¿Y nosotros? ¿Buscamos consuelo en Él?

¿La “multitud” de nuestras propias preocupaciones nos aprieta tanto que Lo perdemos de vista? ¿Hay barreras que nos impiden su toque sanador? ¿Nos hemos permitido creer que tiene demasiadas cosas por hacer, demasiados problemas más grandes por resolver? ¿Hemos dejado de traerle nuestras pequeñas preocupaciones? ¿Pensamos que no somos lo suficientemente importantes para que nos vea y nos sane? ¿No lo vemos entre la multitud y luego tomamos por hecho que no nos sana porque no nos ve?

Somos más afortunados que esas personas en la orilla ese día. No hay grandes multitudes que nos bloqueen la vista. No hay necesidad de empujar y dar codazos, de clamar por la atención, de luchar contra la multitud. Jesús está completamente presente para ti, ahora, en este momento y en cada momento: pasado, presente y futuro. No hay duda al respecto. La verdadera pregunta es esta:

¿Buscas consuelo en Él? ¿Te diriges a Él con todas tus preocupaciones, todas tus cargas y todas tus enfermedades? Ya te está esperando en la orilla. ¿Vas a ir a encontrarlo?

Comunicarse con la autora

Hailing from Nashville, Catherine is a graduate of Christendom College with a lifelong passion for words. Her love of writing and her Catholic Faith continue to shape her as a freelance editor, copywriter, and (aspiring) novelist, where she pursues her passions for the love and greater glory of God.

Feature Image Credit: Melchior Damu,

The views and opinions expressed in the Inspiration Daily blog are solely those of the original authors and contributors. These views and opinions do not necessarily represent those of Diocesan, the Diocesan staff, or other contributors to this blog.

The post Finding Solace in Jesus / Encontrando consuelo en Jesús appeared first on Diocesan.